I am a web developer based in the United States-the buckeye state of Ohio to be
exact! I have previous work experience with Wordpress, Expression Engine, PHP, and
JQuery. I have been focusing on building applications in the C# and .NET stack, but am always
eager to learn more! Tinkering around and figuring out how things work has always been an
interest of mine, and I put those interests into useful code! I mainly use C#, PHP, Wordpress
and .NET to build web applications, with the help of Bootstrap and JavaScript, of course! I can
take an idea and turn it into meaningful and useful software products. Take a look at my
portfolio work and let's see if we can work together on your next project!
I am a creative problem solver. I build full-stack web and
mobile applications. I use C#, SQL, ASP.NET, Javascript,
Xamarin, Bootstrap, HTML and CSS. I have highlighted my key
technical skills that I will bring to your project.
I use C# on a daily basis to build websites and mobile
applications. You can see examples of my work implementing
C# in my projects sections.
I use proven design patterns and frameworks to build
websites. ASP.NET Core Web and MVC fits the bill for most projects.
Visit my projects to see examples.
Javascript is the language of the web. I use vanilla js and I am
comfortable with many js frameworks. Check out my challenges section for some js projects.
I use HTML, CSS and Bootstrap to build beautiful responsive websites. Bootstrap is my go to
CSS framework. Many shy away from front-end, I embrace it.
SQL is the language of the database. My projects all utilize a database. I
have used Postgres on all of them. I can write SQL on any DB platform.
WordPress is a free, open-source website creation platform. On a more technical
level, WordPress is a content management system (CMS) written in PHP that uses a MySQL database.
Client Work
These are a few sites I developed for clients at my previous place of work.
Showcasing complete functional projects demonstrates what I
can bring to your project. I built these projects from the
ground up to demonstrate skill with front-end, back-end, security
and database development. All these projects are full-stack
web projects that are published so that you can demo them
easily. Contact me to get a complete code walk through.
A Full-Stack bug tracker app built with ASP.NET MVC, C# and SQL.
A Full-Stack blog app built with ASP.NET MVC, C# and SQL.
A Full-Stack address book app built with ASP.NET MVC, C# and SQL.
Smaller things I've built
Coding challenges are smaller in scope and scale than my full-stack projects. These problems are fun to
solve and also showcase some UI skills and front-end dev skills with Javascript. All projects are
published so you can easily see my work in action. Contact me if you would like to discuss any of my
The program displays the numbers from 0 to 100. Displays the even numbers in BOLD,
odd colors in RED.
I try to write on my blog on a regular basis. I think it's important to share knowledge with
We apply the proverb 'Look before you leap' not only to
our content but our power to repurpose. A company that can synthesize courageously
will be able to transition easily. Imagine a combination of HTTP and AJAX. We will
revalue our aptitude to empower without depreciating our capability to implement
wirelessly leads to the capacity to synthesize interactively. Without niches,
you will lack architectures. Spriti introduced new capabilities to the awards
page of the customer journey.
Imagine a combination of HTTP and AJAX. We will
revalue our aptitude to empower without depreciating our capability to implement
wirelessly leads to the capacity to synthesize interactively. Without niches,
you will lack architectures. Spriti introduced new capabilities to the awards
page of the customer journey.
Let's chat
BugTracker is a software defect tracking system.
Commonly known as a bug tracker. BugTracker is built
with ASP.NET, MVC, C# and SQL. A role based security
system was implemented to create permission based roles.
The roles of Admin , Project Manager, Developer and
Submitter restrict what the user can see and do. The
software allows for users to submit tickets and those
tickets are tracked through status from Open to
The system was built with C# and .Net in 3 weeks. The
front end was developed with HTML, Javascript and
Bootstrap. The back-end utlizies MVC and C#. The database
was built with SQL Server and hosted on Azure. Please
visit the site and try it out.
Project Type:
Web Application
C#, SQL, ASP.NET MVC, JS, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML5
Blog App
Blog App
Hello, this is a blog app! My blog app is built
with ASP.NET, MVC, C# and SQL.
The system was built with C# and .Net in 3 weeks. The
front end was developed with HTML, Javascript and
Bootstrap. The back-end utlizies MVC and C#. The database
was built with SQL Server and hosted on Azure. Please
visit the site and try it out.
Project Type:
Web Application
C#, SQL, ASP.NET MVC, JS, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML5
Address Book
Address Book
Hello, this is an address book app! This address book is built
with ASP.NET, MVC, C# and SQL.
The system was built with C# and .Net in 3 weeks. The
front end was developed with HTML, Javascript and
Bootstrap. The back-end utlizies MVC and C#. The database
was built with SQL Server and hosted on Azure. Please
visit the site and try it out.